This unprecedented inhumanity will stigmatize the government for everIntellarityIn response of AKEL Spokesperson George Koukoumas to the Minister of Interior Mr.

Nouris with today's statement confirmed that it was a conscious decision of the government to separate the Syrian mother from her children, aged one and three years. This unprecedented inhumanity will stigmatise the government and the Minister for ever. Neither the laws, nor the conventions, nor the values of our people and of humanity as a whole accept the practices of Mr. Nouris separating mothers from children.If Mr. Nouris is so sure of the legitimacy of his practices and policies, let him leave the excuses and come to parliament to give answers. Let him explain where the EUR 100 million that the government got from the EU for the refugee crisis has gone. Let him answer why his government has acquiesced to the EU's policies that trap refugees in the Mediterranean south. Let him say when they prosecuted the Cypriot college leaders and employers who set up slave trade rings. The Minister of Interior of the Anastasiades government, who cut down the sponsorships of the refugees, abandoned the settlements at the mercy of time and crushed the new pairs of refugees in the bureaucracy, is the last one entitled to speak.

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