The work of the deliberative committee on the lasting resolution of the situation of homeless and poorly housed people in the Brussels Region ends this Saturday, July 17 at the Brussels Parliament.

The Ecolo Group welcomes the adoption, by a large majority, of the recommendations made by the participants of the said committee.45 citizens drawn by lot and 15 parliamentarians who are members of the Health and Personal Assistance Committee met weekly in the Brussels Parliament to hear experts in the sector and to discuss structural and sustainable solutions for the prevention of homelessness and rehousing people without "home"." In a context of mistrust of the political world, it is important to re-enchant our democracy by allowing our fellow citizens to take an active part in decisions that affect them. The unprecedented experience of deliberative committees confirms the need to develop mechanisms for democratic renewal in addition to our system of representative democracy," says Farida Tahar, Brussels MP Ecolo.Among the recommendations made by the participants, let us mention by way of illustration the fact "to create a regulatory framework, to facilitate the temporary occupation of unoccupied real estate (housing, office, field and others), which allows more flexible standards in terms of comfort, health and expiry of occupancy contracts with attention to security", but also the fact of "opening access to social housing to undocumented people or granting a residence permit to undocumented people in order to allow them to benefit from a right of access to social housing", or "to promote structures for the assistance and accompaniment of homeless elderly people" or "to strengthen effective structures to help the reintegration of former prisoners" ,... The Government and Parliament must justify the follow-up of these recommendations within 6 to 9 months." The recommendations work mainly on the prevention of homelessness through housing and the exit of homelessness in the long term. It is the co-construction of these recommendations with citizens that has made it possible to develop broad guidelines to meet these two objectives," says Magali Plovie, Brussels ECOLO MP at the initiative of the deliberative committees.

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