Prague, Minsk, 9.8.2021 - A year has passed since the Belarusian presidential election, in which Alexander Lukashenko, according to all the evidence, has usurped power by deception.

Lukashenko was the only one who could spread his terror within his country and beyond its borders. That is why the Belarusian community in the Czech Republic commemorated this sad anniversary and discussed the future of Belarus. They were joined by pirate MEP Markéta Gregorová.The list of Lukashenko's terror is long. Hijacking a plane with opposition journalist Roman Protasevich, cracking down on any demonstrations and hundreds of political prisoners, exploiting migration as a tool to fight Lithuania for its support of Tichanov, or attempts to silence its own Olympic athletes." Lukashenko has made it clear in the past that 'until he is killed', he will not resign. But he is sensing existing and upcoming packages of sanctions against his regime, and human rights organizations, along with neighboring states, are gradually trying to get out the regime's most vulnerable opponents. It is therefore important to remember the situation," says MEP Markéta Gregorová.That is why she attended a meeting of the Belarusian diaspora in the Czech Republic today, which discussed the future of her native country and how to help Belarusians. Support events help the Pirates organize the whole year within the foreign department, which is led by the candidate for the Chamber of Deputies, Veronika Murzynová." We send letters to political prisoners, we helped organize marches and demonstrations last year, and on our website we try to map the possibilities of assistance and development in Belarus. If people want to know how they can help, just look at the website or write to us and we will be happy to involve them," murzynová adds." A few days ago, I received an e-mail from an organization that tracks the fate of political prisoners. I was informed that a 22-year-old Kasya student, whom I had taken over and wrote letters to, was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison. There are hundreds of such students with ruined lives. And hundreds more people have to flee to avoid the same sentence. Let's not forget what's happening just a short distance away," Gregor appeals.

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