Oramas denounces that the tax differential for film productions in the Canary Islands has been abolished and that the islands have not been excluded from the rise of air chargesMadrid as of May 12, 2021.-The spokeswoman of the Canarian Coalition-PNC in the Congress of Deputies, Ana Oramas, rejected on Wednesday the "fiscal axe" that the government led by Pedro Sánchez has promised To Europe.In its intervention in the lower house , the Member insisted that The Canarian nationalists "oppose fiscal harmonisation that does not take into account the uniqueness of the Canary Islands, our differences with other Autonomous Communities, as well as respect for our REF".

Similarly, he added "we will not support the incorporation of new taxes without knowing their impact on the competitiveness of the Canary Islands". Oramas thus demanded from Sanchez's Executive "respect" the Economic and Fiscal Regime and recalled that it is enshrined in the Constitution, as well as, the uniqueness and ultra-perificity status of the Islands are recognised in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.  "Europe has always understood and taken care of the Canary Islands, which, unfortunately, successive central governments have not done," he added. In this context, he harshly criticized the policies of the State in the Canary Islands that has not only removed the tax differential in film productions, violating what is reflected in the REF, putting in check a vital industry for the Islands, key in economic diversification and has done so at the worst time, in the midst of an economic and social crisis, just when the hotels of the islands are empty and saw in this industry a lifeguard; in fact, at times of zero tourism there have been establishments open taking care of the staff of these productions." Similarly, the nationalist spokeswoman denounced that the Socialist Government "has not even contemplated leaving the Canary Islands out of its proposal to raise air charges or have contemplated the Canarian singularities in the proposals they have sent to Brussels. They have not mentioned once the Canary Islands, the situation of special vulnerability of the Islands to the rest of the continental territories by the pandemic". Ana Oramas took advantage of her intervention in Congress to further demand "a fair regional financing system to deal with the reality left by the health crisis" and recalled that studies for its modification "are completed since 2018 but there has been no political will or sensitivity of the Government of Sanchez with underfunded territories as in the case of the Canary Islands" Concluded.

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