Citizens expect solutions, not cockfightsThe debate in the House on labour, has proved once again that the barren confrontation between the two which is not about substance, not only does not benefit the country but much more harms society and the economy In general.

It is true, of course, that Mr Mitsotakis unfortunately follows the syriza's beaten ness and Mr Tsipras's commitments to many policies and it is exactly where he fails at the outset. strategy , so that we do not follow by a weeping to deal with Erdogan's accomplished issues. Deadlock management of refugee migration, since the disastrous EU-Turkey agreement that has handed the keys to Erdogan is not even affected. The foreign-administered superfund continues to manage national wealth. damages the citizen. The insurance bill, in addition to individual arrangements, grooms the Katrougalos Law, instead of changing it. Where they attempt the maximum spoof is the basic salary, 3 each, 5 the other showing that they are supposedly disagreeing, when they fully agree that this should be done by ministerial decision. the basic salary for the Social Partners by collective bargaining, since no one else knows better the needs of workers than themselves, nor the potential of businesses by entrepreneurs. the president of PASOK and the Movement for Change, Fofi Gennimata, has again tabled our proposal for the additional reduction of taxation to companies that will hire full-time or turn underemployment into full employment, in which they will We insist until we do. We revealed the unacceptable encyclical of Mitarakis that applied the Katrougalos Law to the letter and cut the possibility of paying reduced insurance contributions for one year! The Minister has pledged to withdraw it and legislate retrospectively to re-implement this positive measure to address the demographic problem. agricultural incomes, by reducing pensions, those who maintain agricultural production. The Katrougalos Law cut 60% of the pension if you had a rural income but then we succeeded in getting a limit of about 5,000 euros, below which the cut did not apply. The Vroutsis bill, as published in the consultation, reduced the rate of pension cut to 30% but from the first euro of agricultural income. We have brought it out, we have reacted with parliamentary intervention and the minister has pledged to reinstate a limit that would be more than 5,000 euros. This is the opposition that we are doing, tough but also in essence and to solve the problems of the citizens.

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