Following a Question and a Petition in the context of Parliamentary Scrutiny, a question was submitted by Chara Kefalidou, MP for Drama and head of the Education and Religious Affairs Sector of PASOK-Movement for Change, to the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Mrs.

Niki Kerameos, regarding the unacceptable regime of pregnancy and child-raising leave prevailing for Substitute Teachers, which differs from the regime applicable to permanent teachers. teachers denounce the situation for pregnant teachers, calling, among other things, for the equalization of rights of permanent and substitute teachers. The leave they are entitled to is all 7 days. Sick leave, 15 days, and these on the condition that they get sick at least 10 days after their intake. Pregnant substitutes are asked to choose between their job and leaving it, especially in cases of threatened pregnancy, in a different status from that applicable to permanent teachers, or they must remain in work for up to 8 weeks before the date of birth, endangering their own health and that of their unborn children, or going on unpaid leave, causing their family huge financial problems. At the same time, it is certain that many substitutes either postpone or completely reject even the thought of becoming mothers, knowing that if they have a threatened pregnancy and need more than 15 days off, they will be led to resignation or unpaid leave. They are calling for an increase in upbringing leave, which also differs from permanent mothers of teachers, and is only 3 months and 15 days, which obliges them to leave 5.5 months of breastfed infants to foreign caregivers. Because, in such a sensitive period of pregnancy of substitute teachers, the Ministry of Education creates enormous insecurity and anxiety and leads them to financial poverty when they decide to start a family, at a time when according to the ELSTAT census the population of Greece decreased by 200,000 people compared to 2011 and there is a big demographic problem, Because the situation is getting worse, because chronic indeterminacy has led these Teachers to chronic Substitutes, contract workers who every year replenish themselves, every year in different places around the country, away from home, with incredible difficulties and expenses, with anxiety and uncertainty about when, where and for how long they will work and whether they will secure low unemployment benefit for the months of their indeterminacy. What steps will you take, in accordance with the constitutional principle of equality of (working) citizens, to finally remove the blatant injustice on the part of the Ministry of Education towards pregnant Substitute Teachers and to bring about an equalization of their rights with those of permanent teachers?2. What immediate measures do you intend to take (as a politician, woman and mother) so that there is no dismissal of a pregnant substitute teacher and that their inalienable right to motherhood is protected?

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