Press release from the parliamentary group La France insoumise The repression in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City against Palestinians is yet another, and criminal, episode in the Expropriation Policy of the Netanyaou governments against Palestinians in East Jerusalem.

We have been denouncing this process that has been going on for years. The expulsion of Palestinians takes various and all scandalous forms: "squat" of Palestinian homes by Israeli extremists with the help of the army, refusal to install running water in Palestinian buildings, establishment of Israeli settlements in the heart of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank. This great expulsion has one goal: to make Israel's grip on all of Jerusalem irreversible. This would negate any chance of peace between the two peoples that requires the possibility of Jerusalem being a shared capital as demanded by UN resolutions. This policy is obviously dramatic for the Palestinian people but in the long run also bad for the Israeli people. Finally, it is contrary to international law. That is why the LFI group is calling on the French government to intervene by condemning the ongoing Israeli operations.

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