In last night's show Political Introduction, the President of the LMŠ Party Marjan Šarec explained why Slovenia needs normalisation immediately after the elections – an urgent but difficult challenge that we also paid great attention to in the party's programme.

On the possible complaint that the next government's staffing changes could mean a continuation of the bad practice we are following in this government, he was clear: "We are talking about doing staffing where the current government has put people incompete. We have made that clear and it is not a universal purge." #izjava 📺 @sarecmarjanGovorimo we will be doing personnel changes where the current government has put people incompeous. We have made this clear and there is no universal purge.— LMS (@StrankaLMS) November 28, 2021Aumented on a number of controversial moves, issues of conflict of interest, appointment of uncompeted people to positions of responsibility: "Those who are not satisfied with the status quo – that Franci Matoz is in charge of quite a few companies, that Rok Snežič indirectly carries out his business, that there are human resources in the energy industry with people close to the NSi – anyone who wants the normalisation of the country will agree to it." He went on to touch on the government's proposal for a new law on the Public Prosecutor's Office, which again constitutes an attempt to unduly interfere with the selection of candidates for The European Attorney General. "Once again, the investment of the novella ZDT is about the legal-political gymnastics that we are used to in this government. That is why we have tabled our own amendment to the Law in LMS to slow down this process by which the government wants to recall the appointed prosecutors, we offer some resistance." After all that we have been following for a year and a half by the ruling party, according to the President of the LMS, it is time to move forward: "After all we are following, it is really time to turn to the future. At yesterday's congressional report, we made our 373 solutions clear. "There will be a lot of work to do after the election, we will have a green transformation, a restructuring of the economy, the challenges of the future in health care..."He concluded by saying that it will be difficult to work with someone who advocates different values from ours: "We do not exclude anyone in the LMS who shares our values. But those who sit in this government, unfortunately, don't. The election will be the only real poll, the voters and the voters will decide."

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