After a meeting with the leader of the CDS/PP, this Thursday, at the national headquarters, Rui Rio stressed that it is up to the PSD to "lead an opposition to the right of the Socialist Party", so it is, with a spirit of cooperation that both parties will work, for example, in the preparation of the municipal elections.

When there are still less than two years left for local elections, Rui Rio said that "what is normal is that you do what you have always done, which is to leave a little freedom of locally, county by county, the structures [of each party] say whether or not they want coalition." The President of the PSD said that each party follows a historic "continuity line", but it is up to the PSD to "lead an opposition to the right of the PS". "We are a center party, the CDS is a party to our right. One thing is for the PSD to be the party leading an option to the right of the PS. Another thing is the PSD being itself right. No, i'm not. It is up to us to lead an option to the right of the PS", he said. On the election of the President of the PSD parliamentary group, Rui Rio explained that he will stay a while longer ahead of the Social Democratic caucus, in order to complete some tasks, such as updating the rules of procedure, financial sanitation and administrative and human resources organization. "These are tasks linked to management" to, according to Rui Rio, improve the "responsiveness" of the parliamentary group.

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