Ageism is discrimination, just like any other type of discrimination.

EELV rejects any discrimination and is anti-ageist. EELV promotes intergenerational activities and wants older people to be systematically involved in decisions that affect them. EELV decides that a balanced representation of French society must be reflected in political life, in candidacies and in the environmental movement. The term ageism, which the European Union defines as "prejudice against a person or group on the basis of age", appeared around 1969 in the field of gerontology (in the USA). It is beginning to be used to describe discrimination against the elderly. While the term ageism now covers all age-related discrimination, regardless of the age of the people concerned, it is important for environmentalists to take a stand against discrimination that particularly targets older people. Given the ageing of the Western population and the increase in life expectancy, an excessive valuation of youth risks making older people the main victims of ageism (Boudjemadi, 2009, 2010; Boudjemadi & Gana, 2009). Gerontophobia is fear, rejection, any form of discrimination (hatred, hostility, contempt, violence) towards the elderly, which the WHO defines from the age of sixty. EELV must not pit discrimination against one another. On the contrary, it is the responsibility of our movement, at the forefront of the fight against all forms of discrimination, to integrate this dimension into its analysis in order to allow a better representation of society and to respond to all the issues. at the heart of the concerns of our fellow citizens.Ageism against the elderly takes various forms:Ageism induces a whole vocabulary: "old age is a shipwreck", "old debris", "old stupid", "old skin". Age qualification becomes an insult. Ageism is accompanied by infantilization or contempt for the aging person. Ageism is detrimental to professional life. The older you get, the harder it is to find a job. Older employees are preferred as less productive. And it's even stronger for women. Ageism is detrimental to social life. We need to deconstruct prejudices about the expectations and needs of older people, about their cognitive abilities, about their involvement in social life. Ageism is detrimental to activist life: accessibility, participation in party life, digital technology. Ageism is detrimental to love and sexual life, which is often denied to those concerned, especially in many nursing homes. In the media and cultural life, the elderly are often invisibilized, or presented only to talk about old age issues. This discrimination particularly affects women: half of French women are over 50 years old. Yet, they hardly appear in movies, commercials, or the media. The result is a self-directed ageism, which occurs when older adults begin to embrace stereotypes about aging for themselves. Gender or ethnicity can also have an influence. This has consequences on health (loss of autonomy, physical and psychological deterioration) and financial (see note below). Gerontophobia is fear, rejection, any form of discrimination (hatred, hostility, contempt, violence) towards the elderly, which the WHO defines from the age of sixty. The Greens / EÉLV considers ageism as age discrimination, to be taken into consideration as sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. While ageism covers all forms of age-related discrimination, it is important to look at the specific case of the elderly. As full citizens, the elderly must be respected in all their rights, and we must fight against the differences between generationsOlder people, except in the case of cognitive decline, must be involved in decisions that affect them, particularly for placement in foster care or nursing homes. In these living spaces, EELV wants a law guaranteeing the rights of seniors in all areas.

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