Member of Parliament Veronica Rehn-Kivi (SFP) has today submitted a written question about the situation of people of working age suffering from memory diseases.

The question concerns the support these people receive or should receive at present. In Finland, there are an estimated 6000-7000 people under the age of 65 who have suffered from a memory disease. People who have fallen ill with working age, and their loved ones, need support and help adapted for them to cope with the changing life situation and be able to continue their lives as before as long as possible.– People who are of working age falls ill with memory sickness often lives an active life where jobs, family and hobbies fill the days. Onset of memory disease changes the whole family dynamics and can lead to impossible living situations. For single people, the problems are even greater, as the need for outside help and a network of support persons is crucial for continued housing in their own home. Today, it is often various ngos or the Church's deaconia activities that have assumed responsibility for the help, says Rehn-Kivi.Also Member of Parliament Merja Mäkisalo-Ropponen (Social Democratic Party) who chairs the Riksdag memorial group signed Rehn-Kivis written questions.– The idea of moving to an efficient service accommodation feels alien to those who no longer survive at home even though they are otherwise physically healthy. But at the moment there are not enough options. The memorabilia and their families need to receive social-assisted help while several custom forms of housing are needed, says Rehn-Kivi.

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