As if it is not enough that over 100 thousand people in Croatia are currently fearful and eagerly awaiting the response of the Government of the Republic of Croatia to the question raised yesterday by the HSLS parliamentary representative Darko Klasić, because of the scandalous decision of the Constitutional Court by which all students of professional studies could literally lose their degrees, the harač on students continues.

According to the latest information, the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (the same one that initiated the procedure that is why all Croatian students of professional studies are now in trouble) is raising the price of ECTS points because of, watch out now – renovation of the building from the earthquake! It turns out that the students became the owners of the zagreb university building overnight, so now they should bear the cost of co-financing the renovation – which is a total nonsens. Somebody explain to us what universe the price of ECTS points has to do with an earthquake, especially when the new Earthquake Act has already been agreed upon by 60% of the states, 20% of the city and 20% of the building owner. It is obvious that this unfortunate pandemic and concussion served some only as an excuse for a new increase in tuition fees and for the generally poor business of the Law School all these years, for which only and exclusively the culprits are those who led it. That's why – vouchering ! MHL VICE PRESIDENT, HRVOJE BAŠIĆPRESIDENT OF MHL ZAGREB, NEVENKA DJURIĆ

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