January 12, 2022While the Omicron variant increasingly affects our school system, the real situation in schools is not taken into account.

Jean-Michel Blanquer's recent announcements in the paid press deny the reality of the facts and the professionalism of the staff. EELV provides support to the actors of the national education and will be at their side, in the street, this Thursday, January 13, 2022.Since the beginning of the school year, the situation in schools worries. Classes are closing due to the multiplication of cases and the lightening of the protocol allows a greater presence of vaccinated students / case-contact, sometimes with half or even thirds of the workforce, and children and adolescents in rotation. If the weight of the tests has been entirely devolved to the parents, nothing has been put in place within the classes to limit the contagion. We are currently witnessing an implausible mess at school. Three different health protocols in one week, proof that teachers are not listened to. But beyond the legitimate organizational and material demands of the staff (never heard) and for which the government blames the communities, it is indeed a lack of understanding of the daily life of national education. Thus, the mental health of children has never been taken into account, mental health for which we launched an appeal 9 months ago now. The amplification of the risk of transmission due to the Omicron variant has, as since the beginning of the pandemic, been thought only through the costs incurred, to minimize them. While other countries have long invested in the needs caused by the pandemic, the government has brought our school to the brink of health and humanes. We, ecologists, ask the State, in charge of health security, to provide and install CO2 sensors in classrooms and to provide appropriate protective equipment to its staff. EELV supports all national education staff, so that their disqualification by their responsible minister stops. The contempt of Blanquer and this government, which still judges that we "do not make a strike against a virus", has lasted too long. The real situation in the classrooms must be taken into account and the investment of staff in contact with pupils, including the many staff of local authorities, who are totally ignored, must be recognised. This alone will allow the maintenance of the opening of schools essential to the psychological balance of the youngest. Thus, EELV will be this Thursday, January 13, in the street, alongside staff and parents, for the defense of a protective education system. Eva Sas, spokespersonThe Education, Children and Training Committee of EELV

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