04-11-2021It must be the end of mayors and regional presidents who can earn large sums alongside their already good salary because they represent the municipality or region on boards.

This is the view of SF's municipal spokeswoman Charlotte Broman Mølbæk, who is now tabling a motion to stop the mayors' pay celebrations.- If you are mayor, you should of course be the municipality's representative in all sorts of contexts, without triggering one extra payment after another. I think it is time to stop the pay celebration, says Charlotte Broman Mølbæk.The extra salary for the mayors comes, for example, from board work in port or waste companies and much more, where the current mayor is appointed as the municipality's representative. It can easily amount to more than DKK 100,000 on top of mayoral salary annually – and in some cases much more.– A mayor often earns about a million kroner annually without extra income. To be honest, I think that is enough, says Charlotte Broman Mølbæk.She proposes that the money should instead go to the municipalities or regions in which the mayors or regional presidents are elected. Here they will be able to be used on everything from better care for the elderly to patching holes in roads and cycle paths.– We know how great the need is to lift our welfare in the municipalities. For children, the elderly, the disabled or the socially vulnerable. Every penny counts here, and I honestly think the money is better spent on it than on giving the mayors an even bigger paycheck, says Charlotte Broman Mølbæk.

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