We mourn ernesto Cardenal, who died in Managua at the age of 95.

Ernesto Cardenal has united many lives in one: he was both a priest, a revolutionary, poet, minister and dissident. He never went the easy way and stood sincerely to his beliefs. We bow to a great man whose active and theoretical work has been instrumental in emancipating and democratizing Latin America. In 2010, Ernesto Cardenal spoke at the Rostock Party Congress – his speech touched us and stimulated our imagination. As a liberation theologian whose suspension was lifted by Pope Francis, he stood up for the most vulnerable in society and strengthened their faith and political consciousness. It is his legacy that faith and politics do not rule out the possibility that a believer must stand up against oppression.  With the death of Ernesto Cardenal, a man has left us, who, perhaps like no other, has been able to explain the connection between Christianity, democratic socialism and charity – we will preserve his life and work in honorable remembrance.

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