Metro: freedom of information requestThrough its legal advisor Dr Claire Bonello, ADPD-The Green Party has submitted requests in terms of FOI legislation to both Transport Malta and the Transport Ministry to release all studies carried out by consultants ARUP, and others, relative to the Metro.***Metro: aċċess għall-informazzjoniPermezz tal-konsulent legali tal-partit, Dr Claire Bonello, ADPD-The Green Party ippreżenta talba lil Transport Malta kif ukoll oħra lill-Ministeru tat-Trasport biex taħt il-provedimenti tal-Liġi dwar l-aċċess għall-informazzjoni jkunu rilaxxati l-istudji kollha li saru mill-konsulenti ARUP, jew oħrajn, dwar il-Metro.

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