"What responsibility will minister Kujundzic and the mayor of Milan who deceived the citizens of Metkovic" Metković, 27.

January 2020. – More than two and a half years have passed since the election promise of Dalibora Milano, the then HDZ candidate for mayor of Metkovic, that a daily hospital will open in Metkovic. And citizens today are without a daily hospital, without the possibility of search, and Minister Milan Kujundzic, who deceived the citizens of Metkovic, with Dalibor Milan leaving the ministerposition. " It is important to ask the questions of the responsibility of Mayor Milan for misleading the citizens of Metkovic, along with Minister Kujundzic. Today we are not only without the daily hospital and without the possibility of tests, but, due to the deficit of medical and professional health care in the OB Dubrovnik, it raises the question of who would work in the living hospital and finally build it. It is interesting that even now in the health center Metković There is a apparatus for example. For ultrasound of the heart, but this search is not carried out, "concluded Nikola Grmoja, political secretary of the bridge. Metkovic Bridge recalls that the daily Hospital project was represented as a done deal. Milan then argued that Minister Kujundzic confirmed to him by letter that the day hospital opened, that funds were provided, as well as by specialists and nurses, and all other necessary medical staff. Kujundzic and Milan pledged for the purpose of winning the elections that Metković would no longer need to travel to Dubrovnik and Split, but would have numerous diagnostic procedures such as UZV heart, blood vessel Doppler, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and other specialist Inspection, be able to perform in Metkovic. " Today after more than two and a half years, our people continue to travel to Dubrovnik and Split to perform WITH hearts, Doppler blood vessels, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and other examinations and the day hospital has not even begun to build. It was just another deception, this time to the detriment of the health of the citizens of Metkovic, "said bridge coordinator for the city of Metkovic Milan Kapovic." NEW LEGAL PROPOSAL OF THE BRIDGE: TO FREE ENTREPRENEURS OF BEGINNERS AND MICRO ENTREPRENEURS OF PAYMENTS CONTRIBUTED TO THE PRESENTATION OF THEIR LAW ON MATERNITY AND PARENTAL SUPPORT»

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