On February 20, 2020, the anticipation of the end of life in the Assembly of the Republic will be discussed.

THE FREE defends the decriminalization and legislation of assisted death, to dignify the end of life and enable a dignified death. To dignify the end of life and enable a dignified death, through the decriminalization and legislation of assisted death, ensuring the provision of specialized medical and psychological support, so that all possible clinical care for the informed and conscious decision of the patient is provided and it is up to the State to ensure that, in situations of extreme physical and/or psychological suffering, all possible care is provided from a biological, psychological and social point of view, ensuring adequate and human follow-up, including the provision of palliative care, in situations of terminal and end-of-life disease; the rights and freedom of conscience of third parties, in particular family members and health professionals, should always be safeguarded.

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