Bratislava, 5th 12.2019 – The movement of the SME FAMILY comes with its own proposal of rent housing.

The aim of the party is to build 25 thousand rental apartments annually with a monthly lease from EUR 119. Our young and young families are currently leading in the European rankings of those who are unaware of their parents. No pushing with parents and their adult children in one apartment, no tuting young children in their original child's room at Apart. The WE FAMILY movement comes with a redesigned proposal. It is a helping with housing for those who, although honestly, work, but do not earn so much to be able to become independent and build their own roof over their head. " Adult children remain in their children's rooms because they do not have the money to buy their own apartment or pay expensive apartment rentals. Thus, they remain in the so-called "Mama Hotel" but not of laziness or convenience, as it sometimes says, but very often of necessity. Simply their financial situation is such that they do not have it. Unfortunately, even their prospects for their own living are not pink, "says Boris Kollár. The rent of housing is realised, according to the shadow Minister of Finance, Stephen Holé, without burdenling the state budget." Because of this, our movement may not increase the tax burden. The construction of rental apartments by our concept, on the contrary, contributes massively to the budget of the public administration – only income from the state of value added tax increases by almost 400 million euros. With additional multipliers this positive effect on public finances only further enhances. For example, work for home suppliers of windows, kitchens, bathrooms or building materials brings a number of quality jobs to the regions that today suffer from a lack of work. " According to a study titled "More affordable rent housing than that?" (Fridrich Ebert Stiftung) up to 74% of people in Slovakia at 18 – 30 years of age still live with their parents. It is the highest stake within the European Union, with an average of 49% in the EU. For example, in Bratislava, about 120 000 people "work" by living together parents and their adult children in one household. This leads them to the fact that they cannot financially afford their own housing. This housing rental project is intended for all those who have an average income, but still desire to become independent, so they need access to such housing, which is not financially unskilled. " People with an average wage cannot afford not only to buy their own apartment or house, but they often cannot afford to take a mortgage because they would be liquidative for them. However, if there were housing with a monthly lease of around EUR 200, it is the amount that almost everyone can afford. And you reside in your! We want to give our proposal to rent housing hope to all those who want to stand on their own feet and cries their own housing even though their income is low, "closed Boris Kollár.

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